Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Ever Shifting World of Marketing

Every business depends on some sort of marketing to promote their products and services to an audience. With the world rapidly changing - socially, economically, and technologically - businesses have adapted by incorporating innovative marketing strategies. Businesses are now looking at different marketing platforms to keep up with the ever shifting landscape: social media, mobile marketing, interactive websites, etc. With that, technology has changed the way we interact with one another.
BUT . . .
there’s something missing – the personal touch.
AND . . .
one thing has not changed - people love free stuff – that won’t go out of style!

SO . . .


Just saying . . . 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Look Cool . . . . Keep Warm

With cooler temperatures here, it's time to think about heating up your promotions with warm apparel.

Because of its versatility, fleece is a popular choice - plus, we carry top brands in-style!

Here are some of our favorite fleece items:


Sunday, September 16, 2012

College Students #1 Purchase?

What is the #1 purchase for college students?  Apparel! The latest statistics from an MRY survey “Back-to-College 2012″ tells us that students spend an average of $900 during this time of year (this figure comes from research conducted by the National Retail Federation.)
Students lean toward buying must-have items like laptops, software and books, but above all, clothing - 61% of purchases! So, colleges . . . call us to offer that trendy apparel!   

Monday, September 3, 2012

Going Old School

The retro trend is expanding dramatically from the entertainment to the retail industries. Not only do vintage styles appeal to the older generations who once wore those same styles, but they also appeal to the younger crowd who wants to revive those styles in a new way. So consider going old-school with promotional products, too!